It is said that silence is
the absence of sound. In a way that is true; where there is no sound, it is
silent. But silence can have an existence of its own: a heavy, suffocating air
that covers everything within its grasp.
RC log e was covered
in such a silence ever since a couple of DIA officers forcibly removed the
not-so-sane Anebrin from the Sunflower Official's office. His erstwhile
partner, Desdendelle, did not leave his bed. The console didn't even [bip],
somehow feeling the atmosphere, and even the minis quieted down after Des
shouted at them to shut up.
Des alternated between
sleeping fitfully, having bad nightmares, and chewing himself out for his
partner's insanity. His bed was a mess and so were his clothes; his goatee was
growing wild, and he positively stank. His belt was lying on the table, its
loop still torn. He still hadn’t mended it after he tore his axe from it in a
futile attempt to stop Anebrin from executing the Sue and the other two OCs in
their last mission. He would have roused from his stupor — by pangs of hunger
if nothing else — sooner or later. As things were, it was ‘sooner’.
A few days after the mission,
when even Arctic circle (who was an animated circle of ice) couldn't bear the
stench, someone opened the RC's door. The creak of the wooden door's hinges
caused the minis to stir in their corner of the RC's main room.
The person who stood in the
doorway, leaning on the doorpost, was tall — even taller than the five-foot-ten
Anebrin — and wore black, high-quality clothes and a billowing brown
trenchcoat. A hood denied any glimpse of the person’s face.
“Hello,” that person said in
a deep baritone. “Is this Response Centre number
Doctor who the mini-Reaper
screeched in response, wildly gesticulating with its hands and tail.
“That is surprisingly
intelligent for an inferior specimen.” The person fully opened the door
and entered the RC’s central room. He ignored Doctor who’s indignant screech; a
wave of stale, malodorous air hit him and he dug a kerchief out of a pocket,
pressing it to his nose. “Such stench...”
“Hey, didn’t your mother
teach you to knock before entering someone else’s room?” a very disheveled,
pajama-clad Des asked. He entered the main room, rubbing his forehead. “Who are
you anyway? What are you doing here?”
“To answer your questions in
order, no, as I was Loomed; I am the Librarian; and I am here because a Flower
called ‘The Marquis de Sod’ told me this is to be my base of operations
henceforth,” the Librarian said, his face twisted into a scowl. He finally
found the light switch and flipped it.
The room was flooded in
orange light, and Des cursed, his eyes tearing. “Oh, great,” he groaned,
rubbing his eyes, “y’know what happened to my last partner? No?” A pause. “He
went insane. Or rogue. Possibly both.” Des blinked and scratched his goatee. “I
have bad luck with missions. Well, not terrible luck — didn’t get any legendary
badfic yet — but that’s the only thing that’s worse than what they gave me.” A
pause. “So why don’t you waltz back to your TARDIS and go on with whatever Time
Lord-y business you were busy with before?”
“I would like nothing
better,” the Librarian said, sitting down on the nearest chair, which was
wooden and old, “but unfortunately that is quite impossible… According to the
Technician I met earlier, the ‘story’ I apparently come from is nigh-impossible
to detect” — he frowned — “because it is not published, or some equally strange
reason.” He huffed. “His intelligence, as well as his sanity, were obviously
“So you’re here to stay?” Des
said, rubbing his temples. “Well, it’d be impolite to not at the very least
offer you a cup of tea.”
He went to the stove, lifted
the kettle and peered inside. Shrugging, he filled it with water from the
faucet and put it back on the stove, lighting the flame beneath it. He went
back to the other room and half-closed the door behind him. “I’ll get some
clothes on,” he said over his shoulder. “Wait a sec, OK?”
Without waiting for a reply,
he closed the door, leaving the Librarian to take a tablet computer out of one
of the big pockets of his coat, put it on the table, and start looking around.
He found the room rather, well, roomy, and the various bookshelves lined
against the walls certainly interested him — maybe he could find some clue
He got up, but instead of
going to the bookshelves, he went to one of the cupboards and opened it. It
contained a large assortment of rifles; most of them looked rather futuristic.
He lifted his hand to pick one up, but then the kettle started to whistle and
the door to the other room opened.
“Don’t touch those,” Des said
from behind him. The Librarian turned around and saw that Des, now wearing his
usual attire — a dark green Polo shirt, black cargo pants, and a large
Department of Floaters flashpatch on an armband — was standing behind him. He
looked much more focused, the frown from before replaced by an inquisitive
expression. “Those guns are from a continuum where guns aren’t really safe, and
getting a ricochet in here might be dangerous,” he said.
“Your behaviour has changed,”
the Librarian stated, returning to where he sat before and sitting down again.
“Weeell...” Des said, “in
this place, you can’t really fight fate, so to speak, neh?”
The Librarian just stared at
Des shrugged. “Hm, how do I
explain… Well, basically, there’re two sorts of things in the universe: things
you can affect, and things you can’t. You being my partner I cannot affect, so
why bother trying to change it or feeling bad about it?”
“Look, Mr. Know-It-All,” Des
said, “you don’t know how this place works — inasmuch you can call HQ a place,
it’s very wonky, definition-wise — and I do. So take my word for it instead of
staring at me, OK?”
Going back to the stove, he
busied himself with the kettle and a china teapot (which might or might not
have been in an orbit between Earth and Mars before he got it). After a minute
or so, which the Librarian spent tapping on his tablet, he took the teapot to
the table, pouring some tea for himself and the Librarian.
“Drink up, it’s good for your
health,” Des said. Following his own advice, he sipped his tea and sighed
contentedly. “Nothing like a cup of tea...”
The Librarian raised an
eyebrow but drank a bit from his tea, too. He stared at the cup, lifted his
gaze to regard Des for a few seconds, and returned it back to his tea. “This
tea is exceedingly bitter,” he said, “and I think I saw something move in my
“Well...” Des said, getting
up and peering above the Time Lord’s shoulder into his cup. “Hm, someone didn’t
quite kill the tea,” he said. “Remind me to have a word with my supplier the
next time I hop home, willya?”
“‘Kill the tea?’” the
Librarian asked doubtfully. “While I am not familiar with your inferior habits,
I seem to remember that tea is a beverage made from a plant; therefore, it does
not need… killing.” He put his cup down.
“Well...” Des said, going
back to his place and sitting down again, “I’m not from World One. Well,
technically I am, but the point is that in my home universe some things are
quite different. For example, guns.” His belly rumbled and he frowned before
getting up and walking toward the stove again. “For some reason, there aren’t
“What does this have to do
with—” the Librarian began to ask before Des continued.
“The tea? It’s another
difference; it is quite predatory. You have to kill the leaves before roasting
them, or you get what you have in your cup.”
“I understand,” the Librarian
said, raising his eyebrow again. He adjusted the handkerchief he was holding
near his nose.
Des sniffed, looked at
himself, and shrugged. “Yeah, I stink,” he said, then added something in
“‘Unwashed teenager?’ I did
not need to know that,” the Librarian said, wrinkling his nose behind the
Des replied, but whatever he
said was drowned out by a strong [BEEEEEP!].
The Librarian scoffed while
Des ran to the console and punched a random button, which only served to make
the noise louder.
Rolling his eyes, the Librarian
tapped something on his tablet, and the noise stopped. He turned to Des and
found the teenager staring suspiciously at him.
“How did you do that?” Des
“I didn’t. Tablet did. It was
a small matter for it to interface with the computer, find the volume meter,
and mute the atrocious noise.”
“You know that this console
is probably more sentient than this Tablet of yours, don’t you?”
“Surely you jest.”
“Do I look like I’m kidding?”
Indeed, Des’ expression was a cross between anger and bewilderment. He took a
few deep breaths. “I’m gonna like you...” he muttered under his breath, then
brushed his shirt with his hands. “Anyway… that ‘atrocious noise’, as you’ve
called it, means I — means we — have a mission.”
At the Librarian’s
questioning stare, Des rolled his eyes, but continued anyway. “The PPC
basically sends people into badfic — bad fanfiction — to fix the canon… Don’t
stare at me like that, grab your stuff and you’ll see for yourself.”
Cracking his knuckles, Des
retrieved his bag from his room. Returning to the main room and taking his axe
from the table, he tried to put it in its normal place, but noticed that his
belt was torn. “Shimatta,” he muttered, then shrugged. Going back to the
console, he let the axe lean on his leg (a deed that earned him another stare
from the Librarian) and tapped a few more buttons, opening a portal. Before the
Librarian had any chance to say anything, he stepped through the portal.
In the benigging there were
six tribes of elfs. They was the sun Elves the Wood elfs the Moon Elfs the See
Elves the Drow elves and the Wide Elfs. And they were all in war. But hidden
deep beneath the mountains of Faerun was a seventh typo of elf…
“Where are we?” the Librarian
asked, looking around. He saw nothing but grey, aside from his so-called
partner he found in RC log e.
“Pre-fic space,” Des said.
“Basically, author didn’t describe anything. Also… Did you hear that?”
“The booming voice that
sounded like it originated from multiple places at once? Of course I heard
that. My hearing is superior to yours.”
“Yup, that. That’s the
author. And...” Des removed his glasses for a second, then groaned. “First of
all, misspellings. That’s a charge. We collect those, note them down, then read
them to the Sue before we execute her. We do that to avoid mistakenly killing
good — or non-reality-warping — characters.” He was scribbling in a worn
notebook even as he spoke. “Misspellings belong to the ‘mangling the English
language’ family of charges. I imagine you know what the rest of them are.”
“... How do you know the…
author” — the Librarian doubtfully stressed the word — “misspelled anything?”
“Oh, right. When we’re in a
Word World — a story, basically — we can read the Words — the story itself. You
have to unfocus your gaze to do that. That’s why I take my glasses off; I heard
about a Troll agent that hits his head to read the Words.”
The Librarian nodded and
tried to unfocus his gaze, to let it wander, but he found that he could not.
Whenever he tried, he found himself focusing on some small detail — no small
feat, considering that there was nothing worth looking at around him at the
“Oh, you can’t? Well,
nevermind that then. Though, do notice that the author completely fucked up the
way elves are divided… first came the Lythari, the Green Elves, and the Avariel
— the Winged Elves. Then came the Dark Elves, not yet drow; the Sun Elves; the
Moon Elves; and the Aquatic Elves… that’s seven already. The author’s ‘seventh’
‘tribe’? The Star Elves? Those are Elves from the hidden kingdom of Sildëyuir,
existing on a separate plane...”
“You are telling me that
this… author… did not research their subject before writing about it?”
“Yup. That’s badfic for you…
that’s messing with canon, which is a charge. Specifically, messing with the
Tel-quessir — this universe’s elves; you do know what elves are, I hope?
Anyway, messing with their history.”
“I am a Time Lord. We do not
Suddenly, the agents found
themselves in a Generic Wood; a drow was standing a few metres away from them,
pacing to and fro.
Drizzt Do-Urden was
restlessly. The goddess Lolth had send him a message saying that THE DAY OF TH STARS IS COME
and, he didn’t know what it means. So he was hiding in the wood to try and not be
found by anyon.
Dragging the Librarian behind
a bush and crouching, Des motioned the Time Lord to do the same.
“Well, if it ain’t Drizzt
Do’Urden,” he whispered, annoyed. “Or, rather, look.” He pointed, and the
Librarian turned his gaze to where the human was pointing; a miniature
corpse-like humanoid was staring imperiously at its surrounding.
“That’s a mini-Slayer,” Des
continued. “A mini is created whenever an author misspells a name — for every
name spelled wrong in Rings, a mini-Balrog gets its wings — and this is
the mini Drizzt Do-Urden.”
“Let me guess,” the Librarian
whispered back, distaste evident in his voice, “that is a charge?”
“Correct.” Des read the Words
again, then sputtered. He opened and closed his mouth several times.
The Librarian raised an
eyebrow in a questioning manner, but Des didn’t even look at him; rather, he
headed toward the nearest tree and proceeded to hit his head on its trunk. So
the Time Lord, who decided against prying the man from the tree, watched as a
large spider descended from the suddenly-appearing ceiling of the forest.
“I know it was you, Lolth,”
said, Drizzt, while drawing his swords Twinkle, and Icingdeath and holding them
at Lolth. “You can’t not hide from me.”
“But why do you think I am
Lolth?” asked the spider, and it turned into… a Drow Elv! Then Drizzt said,
“Gasp! But you are dead?”
“The ways of the Underdark
are dark and mystery,” said the Drow Elf. “It is I, your sister who is called
The Librarian tapped his
partner’s shoulder, and the human stopped hitting his head for long enough to
get a look at the scene — and, judging from his surprised reaction and
grammar-related curse — the Words as well.
“Does this make any sense to
you?” the Time Lord asked. “One, this Drizzt, whoever he is, exclaims like a
badly-written character, and two, something wrong with the way time is
“Pffah, badfic logic, no
sense,” Des muttered. “One, the way Drizzt is being written is even stupider
than canon — no small feat, by the way, he’s one of the worse Canon Stus
around; two, those extra commas are probably messing with the way the World
interprets the Words; three, we have another mini;” — he pointed at the
mini-Slayer that stood near the now-present Drizzt Do’Urden and the other drow
— “and four… the author had the gall to kidnap a fucking goddess and transform
her into Drizzt’s dead sister, who, by the way, tried to kill him multiple
times.” He pointed at the female drow as he beckoned the mini to come closer.
Drizzt, meanwhile, was slowly
catching up, stupidly repeating what he said before, and not!Vierna gave him a
cryptic message.
Des muttered something about
capital letters, and the Librarian opened his mouth to ask a question, but then
another character made her appearance.
“IT MEANS ME”, said the voice
as the woman, revelled herself to be a woman. “I am call Marchessa, and I am
the Queeness of the Star Elf.”
“Charge,” muttered Des as
not!Vierna and the Sue bickered. The Librarian stared at the character, which,
thanks to the lack of description, looked like a glittery cardboard cutout.
“Why is the character like
that?” the Time Lord whispered to Des. “I do not like not knowing.”
The human massaged his brow.
“No description equals Genericness. Since, surprisingly, the Sue wasn’t
floridly described, she’s like that.”
“Mary Sue. Really
badly-written character, tends to serve as wish fulfilment for the author and
suck the conflict out of stories. They also have a tendency to warp the canon
and be… floridly described.”
Of course, the Ironic
Overpower heard him, and the fic promptly described the Sue in the purplest way
possible, which was also beige at the same time:
Drizzt locked at Marchessa
and saw that she had curves in all the write places. Her hair, was a luscious
red with silver highlights and, it ran down her beck like a waterfall of ice.
Curves of twisting writing
appeared on her body; her hair, which was somehow arousing despite being red
with silver highlights, turned into a frozen waterfall and started writhing
around like it was alive; and her skin suddenly shone more brightly than the
The agents cursed and closed
their tearing eyes, which spared them seeing the Sue’s large and pruple with
god flecks eyes and from noticing that she did not wear anything at all.
Drizzt declaring that he was
in love with the Sue, however, managed to cause Des to open his eyes.
Fortunately, the light somewhat abated — though it was still strong enough for
him and the Librarian to cast a long, unnatural shadow — allowing him to
witness Vierna’s transformation from her canonical appearance to to a busty Sue
lookalike, described with the same confusing terms used to describe the Sue
herself; then something curved struck his head and he staggered, cursing.
The Librarian, having opened
his eyes as well, crouched and picked the curved thing up. It looked like a
black, slightly curved line, and the Time Lord got the feeling that it was one
of a pair merely by looking at it. He distastefully threw it away.
He felt a hand on his
shoulder and saw that Des, having gotten over his grogginess, was standing
behind him.
“What is that?” the Librarian
asked, flicking Des’ hand off.
Des shrugged and read the
Words again. He rolled his eyes. “A parenthesis. Misplaced punctuation usually
materialises in the Word World, and my forehead seems to attract them.” He
watched as Drizzt declared that he loved his sister as well, which earned the
addled canon a disgusted stare from the Librarian and an exasperated sigh from
“O that’s’ okay,” says
Vierna” because Lolth has made it so we are not related now. And so you’ are
free to love me.’
Scribbling charges in a
notebook while dodging errant punctuation requires quite a bit of agility, so
the Librarian was rather surprised when the decidedly-not-athletic-looking Des
managed to do it, only suffering minor bruises in the process (including a
self-inflicted one when he hit his belly with his elbow).
Seeing that the punctuation
shower had abated, the Librarian tapped his partner’s shoulder, then pointed at
the Sue; she was offering Drizzt ‘magic powers’ and a differently-coloured
skin, were he to choose her.
Des dodged the errant comma,
then read the Words again. He sputtered. “Hey, Librarian,” he said, “point the
CAD — wait, never mind that. You don’t know.” He took a small device, which
looked like a cross between a calculator and an old cellphone, from a pocket
and showed it to the Librarian. “This is a C-CAD — Combined Character/Canon
Analysis Device. Point it at a character and it’ll tell you how much
out-of-character they are, or, if they’re original characters, what their
effect on canon is. Fickle tech—”
“Human, I would assume,” the
Librarian said. “Time Lord tech would function no matter what.”
“It tends to explode,” Des
continued with a sigh, “so handle it with care.” Pushing a few buttons, he
pointed it at Drizzt, then showed its screen to his partner.
Do’Urden. Ssri-tel-quessir (drow) male. Forgotten Realms canon:
major character. 34% OOC and rising. Suggested action: Neuralyzation.]
“He is becoming more and more
out of character?” asked the Librarian while another mini-Slayer spawned and a
whirling comma nearly struck Des’ forehead.
“Yep,” Des said. “This is an
advanced model, it tells you what to do; in this case, wipe the poor sod’s
memory.” He busied himself with his notebook again, missing the large male deer
that appeared in front of the Sue.
The Librarian cleared his
throat. When that didn’t quite get Des’ attention, he disdainfully tapped the
human’s shoulder again.
“What? Oh, the Sue got
‘stabbed through the hart’. How trajeck.” Des barely spared the Sue a glance.
“You sound rather bored.”
“Consider the alternative.” A
pause and some frantic dodging. “Ow.”
The Librarian had tapped his
partner’s shoulder again. “This overlong no is a charge, correct? How clichéd.”
“Correct. Not to mention the
— ow! fukkenay! — flying punctuation!”
“No!” Drizzt grabbed his
other sword Twinkledeath and lunged at Vierna but, she lifted Icing and stopped
The Time Lord saw Des’
expression and sighed. “More charges, my unstable partner?” the
Librarian asked.
“Yeah, Librarian. First of
all, author combined Drizzt’s two swords into one — remember to grab it once we
finish here, we can’t let the badfic contaminate the canon — and second, Icing?
As a sword?” Des barked a laugh. “Look.”
Indeed, Drizzt was wielding
one of his swords — it was impossible to tell which — while the Suvian
lookalike of his sister had her fist covered in something pink and glossy.
As the replacement and the
canon character ‘fought’ — waved their hands around because of the lacking
description — another comma came flying, and surprisingly it did not hit Des;
rather, it whirled around like a boomerang and struck the Librarian, who in his
turn shot Des a haughty look.
Suddenly, the Sue was back,
all aglow and crying something about the Sun Elves’ one true goddess who is
called Seldarine before chanting a spell in German. Drizzt seemed to be
invigorated by this, somehow breaking the Vierna-replacement’s icing-sword on
his knee.
After a few messy sentences
about fantasy-world religion and one flying equal sign later, the
characters abruptly stopped moving.
The more experienced agent
pulled the Librarian aside. “Whew, it’s done,” he said, wiping his brow. “Now
we gotta kill the Sue, neuralyze Drizzt and cause Lolth to leave Vierna’s
The Librarian gave him a
doubting look.
“Watch and learn.” Taking one
last glance at his notes, the human agent picked his axe up from the ground and
marched right into the Sue’s line-of-sight.
“who are you” she asks
“I’m Agent Desdendelle of the
Protectors of the Plot Continuum. Marchessa, I hereby charge you with the
following: disrespecting the spelling, capitalisation and punctuation of the
English language; tense shifts; messing with the Tel-quessir’s history and religion;
creating minis and spatial distortions; kidnapping a fucking goddess and
transforming it into Drizzt’s dead sister; being speshul; further messing with
Vierna Do’Urden’s character, including her relationships with other canon
characters; driving Drizzt OOC; having him get friendly messages from Lolth,
whom he denounced ages ago; messing with his swords, including turning one into
cake icing; dying a trajeck death; causing Drizzt to shout a big no like some
bad Darth Vader ripoff; and being a Mary Sue. Any last words, Sue?”
@Drizzt laves me” Marchessa
says, glowing whit and chantal in, a strange tongue.
Des charged the Sue.
“Eulalia!” he screamed, lifting his axe over his head.
“You $hall be redeemed~’ the
Sue sayd, casting a spell at him!!
Des grimaced, his mind
getting number; he felt groggier and groggier. His grip on his axe weakened.
“How inferior,” someone said.
The Sue? No, not the Sue, she couldn’t form a two-word sentence without making
some sort of mistake. His partner. His oh-so-superior partner. Des shook his
head, using the anger the Librarian’s statement caused him to feel to bolster
his resolve. He managed to shake the enchantment off and surveyed his
The Sue was busy gloating
over the Librarian’s prone form. Des cringed and snuck up on her — an easy
task, considering her attention was focused on the Librarian.
An axe came up and went down
in a crackling arc, and suddenly the Sue was missing most of her head. Then her
body crumpled to the floor.
Des groaned and staggered but
caught himself. “Augh, Sues and their spells.” He crouched and wiped his axe’s
blade on the Sue’s clothes, then put it aside and leaned to check on the
The Time Lord was breathing,
but he seemed down for the count.
Des got up and pulled a
small, silvery rod out of a pocket. Closing his eyes, he pressed a button.
“Drizzt Do’Urden, you’ve
never met someone called Marchessa, your sister is long dead, and Lolth isn’t
sending you cryptic messages. You’ll shortly walk through a portal, and this
will be a weird if ultimately forgettable dream. Capisce? Good.”
He opened a portal for the
dazed drow and turned to not!Vierna. The drow’s face was contorted, and Des
figured it was because of the divine essence of Lolth, which was probably
eating Vierna’s… soul? Wait, wasn’t she already dead? Grinning, he opened a
portal behind not!Vierna and pushed her through it. “Have fun in the Demonweb
Pits!” he shouted before closing the portal.
He opened a portal to Medical, stopped to pick up his axe and Twinkledeath, and picked the Librarian up as well. “Oof, you’re a heavy lump,” he muttered and dragged his partner back into HQ.
Disclaimer: The PPC belongs to Jay and
Acacia. Forgotten Realms was created
by Ed Greenwood, and Drizzt and family by R.A. Salvatore. Marchessa and her
story are mine. Time Lords are the property of the BBC. Desdendelle and the
Librarian belong to Desdendelle, and this mission was written by him.
Desdendelle’s A/N: Well… after eighty
or so days, I finished this mission. It is special, because the badfic it is
sporking isn’t actually a badfic. Rather, it was written by Huinesoron as part
of his Ispace Wars project. What for,
exactly, I don’t know, but I must say he did a pretty good job of imitating a
rather amusingly-written badfic.
always, an e-cookie for you guys and girls that catch the reference that is the
title, plus another one for catching the stealthier one hidden in the body of
the mission.
Desdendelle’s Second A/N: As mentioned in the
original mission, the badfic isn’t actually a badfic — it was written by
Huinesoron for his Ispace Wars project. Anyway, I edited this mission
because the writing was clumsy, and, more importantly, the Librarian was very
OOC. All fixed now, though. I’ll keep the original in case anybody is
interested in it.
This is an edited version of
the original mission; I thank EviI Paladin from TvTropes, Huinesoron, Sergio
Turbo, Antigone68104 and son_of_heaven176 for betaing the original mission.
thank DawnFire, Iximaz and Darkotas for betaing the edited mission.
Huinesoron’s Note: Many thanks to Desdendelle
for writing this mission. If you want to read more of his missions, searching Desdendelle PPC on any good search
engine should lead you to them.
The Ladies’
Academy’s plan was to distract Ispace so as to allow one of their Sues to break
into Ispace Mountain. Unfortunately (for them), it looks like the Protectors of
the Plot Continuum are accidentally running interference for Ispace…
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