That night, Phoebe lay awake in the
near-darkness, listening to the sounds of the dormitory.
Statistically, she knew, three (well, 2.9) of the girls in Class Two
were likely to be gay.
That meant that the no less than five pairs sharing beds –
including, of all people, Gaia and Nenya – couldn't possibly all
be sleeping together – right?
Her gaze strayed from the ceiling to
the bed under the dorm's one barred window. That was Penny's bed –
but she wasn't in it alone. In the faint starlight Phoebe could make
out the occasional movement of the hunched shapes of two women.
A frown touched Phoebe's face. That was
a very hunched figure. It looked less like – well, whatever
legitimate things Penny and Iplis might be getting up to – and far
more like one person kneeling by another's pillow, bending down...